Monday, October 04, 2010

I post it here so N years down the road, I will read it and laugh at myself..

- When I say I don’t really like, it doesn’t mean that I hate.
- I forgive but I can’t really forget, especially if it’s associate with strong feelings. Yes, call it p-e-t-t-y. Whatever.
- I may appear extrovert to some but I’m an introvert. And definitely a low profile one. =p
- I am easily annoyed. Likewise, easily amused.
- I turn a bit crazy if I’m overly not enough sleep. Or after too much –OH group in my bloodstream.
- I can listen to a particular song that I like for 500X without getting bore. Same goes with drama and movies.
- I hate people who shake their leg.
- I hate people who backstabbed more than any other things.
- I adore anyone who is willing to do little silly things with/ for me. That's so awww…
- I am a boring person. I might have agoraphobia.
- I don’t really believe in ‘time heals’. Probably because I believe things won’t just get heal by themselves. Or probably because I haven’t live till that long.
- I am a typical Cancerian but without the trait of having good memory. I have selective memory.
- I’m having and always got static shock with other hairy people. I am charged.
- I have weird but nice name that most people fail to pronounce it correctly.
- And even after I correct them, some will still pronounce it wrongly.
- I keep a blog for >3 years with <10 people know about it until recently.
- I don’t really have those ‘lucky draw’ luck but it was said that I ‘won my laptop from e-bay’, that I chose to ignore, LMAO, and forgive the story maker.
- I strongly believe in what comes around goes around.
- For things that I didn’t do/ being maligned/ mistaken at, if I didn’t explain, it doesn’t mean silence agree, I just don’t bother to ‘coz you are not some important people to me.
- Else, I would clarify.
- I may have a lot of principles that I adhere to yet not agreed by majority. You can choose not to agree, but you can’t force me to think alike as you.
- I miss my angels back home no matter I’m in Aussie or Singapore. Well, they are my families and friends.

*well, less and less privacy on fb.. thus this =s

Sunday, July 18, 2010

To my grandma

You are the only gran that I remember as kids.
You are the only gran that see us going through as kids, teenage, went to primary/secondary/tertiary school.
You are the only gran who pampered us with all the good food in Kluang - yaw char kuey, kopi-o, char kuay teow.
You are the only gran who never scolded us when we were too noisy as kids.
You are the only gran that I know much stories of - difficulties when grandpa passed away/business not going well etc.
You are the only gran I slept together with as kids, although I used to hate it coz there were too many mozzies and roaches in the shop.

It's heartbreaking to see you having see the uncles fighting over the shop lot.
It's heartbreaking to see you had stroke.
It's heartbreaking to see you developing senile dementia and not recognizing us, although you seem happier.
It's heartbreaking that you never travel enough, never enjoy life enough when you were healthier.

I will love and remember you always.

Rest in peace.
And find grandpa whom I never see.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

to the random guy:

thank you for asking for my phone number, but i hope u dont call..

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

生日快乐... 我对自己说

to whoever happens to read this:

it's my birthday in about 30 mins time (and counting down). and so i would like to have want --

skagen watch (recently found out the new booth in Wisma =) heh. now, when is my next pay day?)
miniiiiiimum work (probably just run 6 sets of RE digestions)
calla-lily (for unknown reason, i sort of like calla-lily more than sunflowers now. hmm//)

not too much to ask for rite?
tyvm. =p

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Distance-based system?

It's nothing new really. The news was released sometime April and the system to be implemented on coming 3rd July.

Not that I don't care (it might seems a few cents to spare, but since sedikit-sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit), I finally spare some time today trying out the distance fare calculator at here.

Excerpt from Straits Times on April, 21 says,

"Those who make transfers between buses or between buses and trains will pay less: The 63 per cent of commuters who break up their journey into two or more legs will save an average of 48 cents a week or $25 a year.

Another group, the 34 per cent of public transport users who opt for longer, single-leg journeys, will pay an average of 31 cents more a week, or $16 a year.

The remaining 3 per cent will spend neither more nor less than now."

(Not sure how the figures derived. What's the standard deviation? p value?)

Anyway, journey to my work place costs SGD1.20 per trip transferring at Raffles Place Interchange currently. With new distance-based fare system, it will cost SGD1.29 per trip for the same route.

The difference is 9 cents per trip which made up to 9x5days (assuming I don't have to go back to work on weekend) x2 (to and fro) = 90cents per week.

Great. Just when I really really need to save for my loan.


Oh well, do more transfer then.

Not sure if this affects senior citizens as well.. can you imagine some old aunties/uncles trying to get direction from you for transfer? Worse, in Hokkien (well, for my case! *chuckle*)


This is like, so can-be-seen everywhere.

I mean, great cartoon.. but whoever comes up with the idea must be some elites who had never take public transport. DON'T CHA NEED TO WAIT FOR THE BUS/TRAIN? It's not like your own vehicles where you just start the engine let it warm up and off you go! =/

It's still consider okay waiting for the next train: 2-4 mins for the next train during peak hours, 6 mins max. Nonetheless, for bus service, only selected bus stops are installed with NextBus service. More often and not, you won't know when is your next bus coming, and EVEN it says next bus arrives 10 mins later (if you are using IRIS on mobile phone), it's almost never accurate =s

Forgive me, 10 mins is slightly.. conservative. Please ±5mins. Again, more if it's during peak hour &/ bus heading town area.

And the IRIS thingy only applies to SBS Transit buses.

Either they are trying to get people to leave their bed home earlier for TRANSFERS (so people won't be late for work), or indirectly - the public transport providers will continue to make more profits.

From what I gathered from friends, most people will stick with their current route (which works the fastest) and let the company earns that a-few-cents.

Again, sedikit-sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit. The bus/train company better make sure their service mark the standard with the extra a-few-cents drained earned from us. tsk.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


窗外的天氣 就像是 你多變的表情
下雨了 雨陪我哭泣 看不清 我也不想看清

離開你 我安靜的抽離 不忍揭曉的劇情
我的淚流在心裡 學會放棄

聽雨的聲音 一滴滴清昕
你的呼吸 像雨滴滲入我的愛裡
讓想念繼續 讓愛變透明
我愛上給我勇氣的 Rainie Love

窗外的雨滴 一滴滴累積
屋內的濕氣 像儲存愛你的記憶
雨愛的秘密 能一直延續
我相信我將會看到 彩虹的美麗

冷冷的空氣 很仔細 我無法呼吸
一萬顆 雨滴的距離 很徹底 讓愛消失無息

離開你 我安靜的抽離 不忍揭曉的劇情
我的淚流在心裡 學會放棄

聽雨的聲音 一滴滴清昕
你的呼吸 像雨滴滲入我的愛裡
讓想念繼續 讓愛變透明
我愛上給我勇氣的 Rainie Love

窗外的雨滴 一滴滴累積
屋內的濕氣 像儲存愛你的記憶
雨愛的秘密 能一直延續
我相信我將會看到 彩虹的美麗

屋內的濕氣 像儲存愛你的記憶
雨愛的秘密 能一直延續
我相信我將會看到 彩虹的美麗

Monday, June 07, 2010



Sunday, June 06, 2010

growing up together with all my siblings, we never really notice how time flies.

until there has been more 'last time', 'when we were younger', and 'those days' being used in our conversations.

.. last time when we did stupid things like messing with mom's lipstick and got a good spank.
.. how you or you or you being a weak-kia and fell sick all the time when you or you or you were young.
.. those days when you dont eat fish and you dont eat meat but you eat everything (and anything!) *chuckle*

and of late, when i logged on to msn and noticed the nick of my youngest brother, shout out to his gf:

he too, has grown up.

though it's wayyyyy too early (he's a december baby), he does hope he reaches his dream age (aka the number that symbolised adulthood) quick. i wanted to tell him he will reach there before he knew it. then again, sometimes something is best being found out by the person himself..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

“Always reach for the moon,
because even if you miss,
you'll land amongst the stars.”

-unknown origin

Saturday, May 15, 2010

sth to share (from Janice)


Thursday, May 13, 2010

I don't wana fight (no more)

and as if there is real fight? (pondering)

one thing i really really dislike is people who wash dirty linen in public. come and talk to me if must, okie?

work is still as shitty it's draining. uncovered a lot of things that are so against my principles. for those who had wonderful work nature (not against ur clear conscience), colleagues that think alike, no office politics - to name a few, good for u.

and on top of that, out of sudden, have to deal with dirty linen.

- I don’t really believe in ‘time heals’. Probably because I believe things won’t just get heal by themselves. Or probably because I haven’t live till that long.

and i still think that holds the truth.
those who think that life is all about relationships and friends - get real.

try to be on urself and when you have to juggle between nasty colleagues, against conscience work, home that you stay put - from normal cleaning of room/living room/kitchen/toilet to maintaining eg light bulbs! - another home - parents, siblings etc, work and study (yea right. it's about continuous study and upgrading nowadays), $, etc etc etc, basically, one has not much time left. not if you are alone by urself with so many pending tasks.

thank you. mrs lim.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Counting my blessings =)

well, i must admit this is long overdue - i should have do this almost 2 weeks ago? except back then my work (not exactly the WORK, but that aside..) was just.. overwhelming. =(

i was..

- grumbled to my brother how cmi my hp earpiece.. given i've spoiled more than 'a few' (=p). almost playing coy so that he can buy me one (pirated one) from pasar malam near his college, but he just feigned ignorance! =s
- called my sister complained to her how 'not caring' our little brother was. darn darn.
- made a passing remark to ber about the deadly, boring ~40mins train journey from home/work to work/home without any mp3/ music, but just random books that i borrowed from the library.


- i received one from ber. well, he said he was doing spring cleaning of sort and he doesnt need that anymore (well, of coz.. he has a BLUETOOTH earpiece..) ha..
- i received another TWO earpiece from my cousin, passing them to me from my beloved brother and sister ^^ apparently, my so-not-caring (probably not) little brother DID buy me one when he happened to 'pass by' the above-mentioned pasar malam. then my sister bought another one during one of her night on-call duties.

did i despairingly mention how i feel like no one loves me? i was wrong. like, totally.

If you're aware of how much love you've had in your life, you should see more opportunities to find more. Review all those tiny moments when you felt truly safe and relaxed -- then, count your blessings.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

陳綺貞 旅行的意義

你看過了許多美景 你看過了許多美女
你品嚐了夜的巴黎 你踏過下雪的北京

說不出 離開的原因

你累積了許多飛行 你用心挑選紀念品
你擁抱熱情的島嶼 你埋葬記憶的土耳其

說不出 旅行的意義

說不出 離開的原因

勉強說出 你為我寄出的每一封信
都是你 離開的原因
你離開我 就是旅行的意義

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

stay away..

the allure is so potent that it's dangerous..

Sunday, March 21, 2010

why there isn't anyone who loves me? :(

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Funny how time flies. It has been almost 3 months since last entry.
So I worked my butt off, got my pathetic-0.7month-bonus (and it's pro-rated), surprised my boss (well, EX-boss) with my resignation letter, went holiday (yea, as if), cny, gathering gathering gathering, yum cha yum cha yum cha, talked talked talked, and started in new job.
Realize something? I didn't REST at all. Talk about having TWO weeks long of 'holiday' before starting new job? Yea, right. Like real.


Everything dropped on me today.
Although this doesn't sound grammatically correct..
My one-and-only mug decides to commit suicide this morning. (No milo tomorrow)
The western blotting tank decides to announce to my other lab members that I have made it overworked by slipping through my grab (and it cracks. damn. =s)
My very antique SE W800i decides to try on freefall. (luckily SE phone is famous for its hardiness)
My bath towel decides it needs a rinse by dropping onto the wet bathroom floor.
And even those apples in the fridge decide to prove Newton right by plink-plonk-plank outta fridge the moment I opened the fridge door.

Oh hell, what next?


Alamak, I'm so head over heel for boymen-band. Like, all over again.
And suddenly I feel young! HAHAHAHA

You don't ever notice how I stare when we're alone
Or wonder why I keep you on the phone

Dreamy, eh? That's why people always say boy-band is for little girls. heh. =)
Off I go continue my playlist..